Kirk Session
  Meets regularly throughout the year, meetings starting 7.30pm in the Church or committee room (Church Hall).

  Specific dates and venues are advertised in advance. 

  Minutes of the meetings are posted in the church vestibule.


The Guild
  Meets first and third Monday of each month, October through to March in the Church Hall. Starts 7.30pm.


Penicuik Trinity Community Housegroups are open to everyone


They are a place where people come together to support each other and to share their experience of the practicalities of being a Christian.

The days and times of the various groups are shown below.

If you would like to join a group or would like some more information then please contact the leader - name in italics


Every Monday evening by Zoom.  Further details from Joan or Neil Cape (01968 674276)


Monday 7.15 pm  Sheena Dawe ....on Zoom .


Tuesday 10 to 12   Mary Darling Meeting in people's house currently. May need to change if the group grows


Tuesday 2pm  Graham Bell (was Bill Bruce) in Graham's House


Every second Tuesday 7.30pm  Caroline Macintosh.

Wednesday Alpha Course 10 - 12 pm. Meeting in the church hall Bill Webster


Wednesday 7.30 to 9.30pm   Kate Downey was on Zoom but starting to meet in FFF next week.


Friendship Circle
  Informal get together once a month on Wednesday morning for coffee and chat.

  Details and help with transport from Margaret Webster 01968 672347


Boys Brigade

  Meet in the North Kirk Hall on Fridays during most of the school term
  Anchor Boys and Junior Section -  6.30pm and 7.30pm

  Company Section - 7.30pm and 10.00pm.

More details from Richard Charleson 01968 672754 /


Prayer Meeting
 Sunday evening at 7.15 pm in church hall - details from Bill Webster


Renew 26

Click here for more information